Platform was created by Koura-Rosy Kane in 2018 while she was studying communication and sociology.

From these multi-disciplinary skills, she decided to put them in use in order to share another vision of fashion
– far from the standards and established norms.


While searching into the fashion industry, she realised the narrative and content was quite homogeneous. Although she had a lot of interest in the fashion industry, she felt deeply unrepresented and excluded. Aware of the fact the actual fashion system failed to include a lot of social communities, she started this project as a way to give them space to express themselves.


Her focus on emerging and alternative fashion appeared as a natural and organic way to achieve this desire for a better system. Through them, she is able to analyse social changes and forecast transformations that will impact the fashion field overall. Her intention is to bring deepness, awareness and knowledge to enable a mindful approach of fashion design and consumption. More than personal essays, reliable resources and transmission of knowledge are also fundamentals in her work.



Additionally to this project – PLATFORM – she is also a trend researcher, writer and consultant.  As an activist, she describes her work as deeply influenced by her social and cultural commitments.
